Common Identity

Embracing Common Identity does require a new shift in societal thinking away from the tribal ‘them and us’ mind-set which fosters the bitterness that still dominates the ‘two sides’ in Northern Ireland today.

Since the signing of the Belfast Agreement in 1998, have the ‘two sides’, and therefore the ‘branding’ which determines who belongs to each side, disappeared from Northern Ireland? Are we ready to evaluate old thinking and consider new thinking?

Pretani Associates promotes Common Identity as something we all share equally and begins….

  • We are all human beings with the potential to listen to conscience
  • We all belong to a continent and we all belong to an area of land within that continent
  • We have all travelled before settling in an area of land
  • We all have strands in our family

Achieving cultural, economic and political stability begins with this challenge: listen to conscience and always ask…’does it feel right?’

Listening to conscience ensures we aim to build with fundamental principles, for ourselves and for others, to achieve an acceptable quality of life for all.

These fundamentals such as respect, co-operation, tolerance, fairness, compassion, commitment, protecting and understanding make sure that whatever is created starts with “do no harm”, thereby ensuring that no one feels afraid of anyone else.

Remembering we all belong and we have all travelled will explain the strands we all have in our families – diversity.

Diversity, cultural difference, should be embraced as it makes life interesting. At the same time we must always ensure that characteristics and connections do not mask our Common Identity.

Cultural stability is the foundation for achieving economic and political stability. A shared future is only possible if there is an acceptance of a shared past – of our common identity.

With the understanding of journeys and identities a broader perspective of history becomes possible. This broader perspective starts with…

The Common Identity of Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland, Scotland, England and Wales begins with understanding the first known name of the islands…

The Isles of Pretani